
Great but you forgot the car port on the left side of the garden, please see original plan below

Great but could you please add a bin area similar to the one on the picture below, and put it on the right side of the gate after the first tree


Just one little change on the front door of the house, it will be door first (on the right) then the window (on the left)





We need to change this entertainment space as it is too close to the neighbors. What I would like to do is to create more green separation between the neigbors’ plots and our fences. That means that the dining and seating areas need to be moved and that the entertainment space is going to be surrounded by plants and some trees (see plan).

On the yellow part in the plan I would like to have one layer of 2.50 meter high fences, then stair-like layers of plants or trees on a 1 to 3 meter deep zone from the fences (see plan).
The plants should be layered like on the pictures below, we will build low and high levels with concrete.

Two or three trees should be planted at a 2 meter distance from the neighbour’s plot on the rectangle I have placed on the plan. This is a strategic position for us as it will prevent our neighbor from seeing into our plot from his kitchen window.
You can either place the trees on stair like levels like the other parts, or on large pots, or directly on the ground surronded by layers of low plants like you already suggested. Whatever looks best.

One note about the regulation in France. Fences that limit two plots must not be higher than 2.50 meters. Trees and plants that exceed 2.50 meters can be planted at a minimum distance of 2 meters away from the fences.
When you are finished can you please include a view from above. Thanks.